Client Testimonials
Mark's 6 Month Transformation
This is what dedication and hard work can bring you: lean, strong and confident. We’ve been training for half a year together – starting with bodyweight and interval work, moving to more weightlifting and powerlifting routines.
Now Mark is knowledgeable enough to switch to an online program and continue on his own (with weekly check ins of course) 😎.
He went plant based too and managed to lose 30 lbs of fat gain 5 lbs of muscle + deadlift over 1.5x his body weight × 8 reps, learnt how bench and squat like a powerlifter, do 8 body weight pullups and got that nice six pack going.
Tired of losing weight and gaining it back?

Mark’s feedback:
“Katya is awesome! I was apprehensive about working with a trainer, but it’s worked out well! She’s helped me lose weight and gain muscle. I’m in much better shape now than I’ve been in a long time.”

Lisa's 3 Month Transformation
“When Lisa stepped into our gym, everyone was asking “when is her bikini show!?” Tall, graceful, supermodel-like, she wanted to get toned and confident for the Miami vacation.
After only 2 months of work, she was already looking like a buff Victoria Secret Angel. We kept working on form and shredded some remaining fat for the remaining month, so she was undoubtedly the queen at the beach.
Irina's 6 Week Transformation

2 Month Transformation

Stop Getting Out-Muscled in Jiu Jitsu
A vegan jiu jitsu athlete, cyclist, scientist and now – powerlifter. Julie is not a novice with strength training, however it has never been structured quite enough for her to confidently compete in powerlifting.
Half a year after training with Katya – Julie benched her first full plate on the barbell (135 lbs), squatted her body weight and deadlifted almost twice her body weight. Powerlifting has also given her a huge advantage in jiu jitsu.
Do you have the grit and dedication to get in the best shape of your life?
Schedule a free 10 min coaching call to see if we’re a good match to work together.
*** 100% money back guarantee if you do not get results. ***
4 week fat loss

1 Month fat loss

3 Month Transformation
“She gained 5 lbs of muscle over 3 months of lifting from home!
She is a runner, and has noticed performance increasing since we have started training in January. She wasn’t looking to lose weight, and in fact, not looks more balanced while weighing MORE!
Weight loss has never been her goal, so at first she was worried if the weight gain is a bad thing.”

Charlotte's 4 Month Transformation
“Over 4 months of training, Charlotte lost 20 lbs of fat and gained a few lbs of muscle.
She used to run cross country, and has strong legs, however her knees were hurting during long distance running . Her program included balancing lower body and strengthening upper body. Abs, arm and shoulder definition – as some nice side benefits to reap 💪
Despite the rigorous MIT PhD program, she is keeping the workouts up and monitoring her diet for optimal performance in the gym , classroom and lab.”

at home body recomposition and muscle building

home workouts for body recomp

posture correction

Great job and thank you for being an example of diligence and perseverance.
Mark's 2 Month Transformation
“We started lifting in September. Former football player, Mark has a demanding job in RTP and wanted to get back into athletic endeavors to improve posture, health, increase strength and better looks – as a nice side effect.
After the first 2 months of lifting only once a week, some cardio and minor diet changes, Mark lost 4-5 lbs of fat and gained some muscle. Love handles replaced themselves with a stronger V-shape back. Traps and legs gained strength and endurance, shoulders have opened up for a more upright, healthy posture.
Mark has moved to doing more biking, workout on his own and
lifting twice a week since then, and watching for better food options
even while traveling for work, and of course being a father and husband!”
Angelina's Testimonial
“I want to leave a feedback on Katya’s work as a coach.
To lose wight- it was a huge problem through my life.I don’t have much of extra kilos and to lose them takes a titanic effort.
The main problem for me (as a vegan) was to find useful and necessary information about food habits. Many information were absolutely random and omnivorous habits. But how to properly build a vegan diet without overeating carbs and not starve at the same time? Searching that information is as a dark labyrinth with lots of puzzles.
Due to Katya is a bodybuilder and vegan at the same time, she is perfect mentor and coach for me. Her experience really saved my nerves and my time. Now I am already seeing results from it.I want to say, that due to her information, my journey to health has become simpler and more pleasant than it was before (when I tried to make meal plans by myself).Katye helped me to correct my eating habits and helped me to continue the work on maintaining weight loss process. In addition, I want to say that the most valuable things are supporting and spiritual coaching from Katya. In general, I think that is the most important and necessary things at archiving healthy life goals.
I highly recommended Kaya as a personal coach. 👍“
“Хочу оставить отзыв о работе Кати как тренера.
Сбросить вес – было для меня всегда большой проблемой по жизни. Лишних кило у меня мало, и уходят они с титаническим трудом (учитывая, конечно, мою любовь к еде). И самая загвоздка в том, что абсолютное большинство информации в интернете заточено под всеядное питание, а как грамотно выстроить диету вегану, чтобы не перебирать по углеводам, с одной стороны, и не голодать с другой – это какой-то тёмный лабиринт проб и ошибок и поиска нужной инфы.
Катя как веган-атлет – идеальный наставник для меня в этом плане. Её опыт экономит мне время и нервы и даёт результат, который я могу наблюдать уже сейчас. И, надо сказать, идти к этому результату оказалось гораздо проще и приятнее, чем по тем программам, которые я раньше формировала для себя сама. С Катей мне удаётся работать над своими пищевыми привычками в целом и поддерживать режим сброса веса (пусть и очень медленного, но здорового) на протяжении длительного периода. Ещё самое ценное – это, конечно, психологическая поддержка, без которой, думаю, на этом пути никак. Так что очень рекомендую Катю как персонального тренера. 👍”

Ekaterina's Testimonials
“Вообще, хочу сказать, что я ощущаю себя героем!!! И это все благодаря тебе, Катя!! В те дни, когда я всё же заставляю себя отложить все дела, подгузники-супы-каши и т.д. и пойти тренироваться – я словно подвиг совершаю и чувствую себя прекрасно! Такая гордость наполняет душу! Жутко довольна собой и ощущением красоты и стройности! Спасибо тебе огромное за всё!!! Я, конечно, ещё слабак, но уже на пути к успеху!!!”
“Actually, I want to say that I feel like a hero! And that’s all thanks to you, Katya!! In those days when I force myself to delay all of my house work and go DO the workout-I feel as If I’m doing something courageous. I start feeling so proud of myself and this feeling is overwhelming. I’m so pleased with the feelings of beauty and harmony! Thank you so much for everything!!! Of course, I am still a beginner, but I’m already on the way to success!!!”

Robin's Testimonials
“I am so grateful to have “stumbled” across sis Katya Gorbacheva on Facebook. Her thoughtful and knowledgeable posts caught my eye and began a conversation about life and fitness, fresh and unfiltered. Her experience is deep and ever-growing. She cares about each of her clients and works hard to meet them where they are while helping them to heal and become the best version of themselves.
Her expertise is first-rate and I am so grateful to be in her care. Thank you, sis Katya, for the daily inspiration!”
6 Week Month Transformation
“I had a great experience working with Katya. She is super knowledgeable and attentive. She is also very driven and her encouragement helped me a lot. I always thought that working out is not my thing and eating healthy is too much work, but with Katya’s help I was able to find my balance.
I changed some of my habits and I feel so much better now. I lost 10lb already and intend to continue my new routine. I’m extremely thankful for Katya’s expertise and care! With her support I was able to reach goals I never thought I could.
Highly recommend!”

2 Month Body recomposition

2 Month Transformation

EXCELLENT Based on 31 reviews shail shah2022-08-30Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Great Fitness Coach Sam F-Z2022-08-30Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Katya is the best! She's worked with me on my goals as if I am her only client and created a program that fits my needs. 10/10 Monica Meyer2022-08-29Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I have been working with Katya for 4 months. I have noticed in increase in strength for sure, what I was orignally looking for was a weight loss, but have achieved both. More importantly I learned that I feel more accomplished with becoming a stronger person. This is probably the first time in my life that have valued my strength as a measurement of achievement in physical health than just a lower number on a scale. I have really struggled with strength training on my own, and have had a hard time lifting my son, he is now 4 years old, but this month I noticed I can easily lift my son. I am so incredibly grateful Cordero Hinds2022-08-28Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Katya's Total Body Lab along with Alexei is an indeed unique experience. They will adjust their coaching to your lifestyle for the most optimal experience and success. Their communication is flawless and they will not skip a beat. Just ensure you have a reliable means of communication, i.e. wifi/data, paid phone bill, etc. Definitely recommend Total Body Lab if you want to above the norm! Lilichka Schwartz2022-08-18Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Katya Gorbacheva loves her field and it shows in her dedication to client. My daughter took some individualized classes with her and enjoyed her time working out. Anna Langer2022-08-16Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I met Katya during my studying period, when I was not in shape and unhealthy eating junk food all day. She got me back on track, starting with a healthier lifestyle including nutrition tips and my body endurance and strength got a lot better. I'm so glad that I met you, really a life changer! The best couch and person I know. Thank you! Abigail Symes2022-08-13Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Katya is an incredible trainer and human! As a physical therapist, I love working with her and she has a great eye for movement and biomechanics of big lifts. As her client, she’s taken into consideration my limitations and how I want to be trained. She additionally clearly explains how to do each exercise and tailors everything to me. I cannot say enough good things about Katya as a trainer!! David Lindsay2022-08-10Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Started working with Katya about 2 months ago. She’s very good at figuring out the client’s strengths and weaknesses and ensuring that we stay balanced. It’s very easy to focus on what you are good at and what you like when you train without a coach. That won’t happen if you work with Katya. If you want to make some changes/ improvements in your life, give her a try. Remember that means you are going to have to make some changes in your life! If you keep doing the same thing you’ll keep getting the same results. Change isn’t easy, but Katya will meet you where you are and support you and guide you. I approached Katya with a very specific lifting goal in mind and she put together a literally world-class team with expertise specific to my goal to help coach me. At the end of one month, I had blasted past my previous PR by 15 pounds. Whether your goal is to simply lose some weight and get a little more fit or to become a national-class competitive athlete, trust her process and reap the rewards. Kristi Holland2022-07-11Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Working with Katya has been a life changing experience and all for the better. Total Body Lab is just that- a total plan for health and fitness that just makes so much sense and works. It’s like anything else, you have to be committed and you get out of it what you put into it. But once you get with the program (both literally and figuratively) you see how many other areas of your life are impacted by what you eat or don’t eat and by how you do or don’t take care of your body, and then it all just “clicks”. Katya is there with you every step of the way providing invaluable knowledge, support and care. I have exceeded the progress I expected and could not have done this without Katya. Alex Tsuji2022-06-11Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Reduced cholesterol numbers by 17% in 2 months! I’m a working father in his 40s with high cholesterol who only wanted to do home workouts. I chose Katya because of her previous experience lowering her patients’ cholesterol. It wasn’t easy, but after 2 months, I lowered my total cholesterol from 230 to 190 mg/dL (also, unintentionally lost 7 pounds in the process too)! If you want to lower your cholesterol (and are committed to a point where you’re willing to give up eating meat), then Katya is the trainer for you!