How it All Started

For those who don’t know yet, I left my beloved team and a great job at one of the most innovative construction companies 2 weeks ago.

Why? The short answer is – life has felt like I’ve been a part of someone else’s master plan of which I had no ownership anymore.

I realized, I’d have regrets if I didn’t try to do what I have a passion for, and if not now, then never.

Parents were not approving of the move at first, later noting that in reality it doesn’t matter what one does for a living as long as it makes them happy and they can sustain the lifestyle they have chosen.

I anticipated the same reaction from friends, but the overwhelming response was


What a confession… most millenials are unhappy with their life but admit they dont have the guts to fix it? I can relate that this may go unnoticed for a while if one keeps themselves busy and distracted… go to the gym after work to get some endorphins that emulate happiness, fall in love and add some dopamine, party with friends and feel like you belong, take a 10 day vacation once a year to reward yourself for busting your ass all year long. Wake up on Monday, repeat. That’s what most people do, and it truly works for some, for the minority of us. The rest… are not “most people”. The Lightningnotes article really hit home:

“Doing what most people do has led students to go straight to college after high school when they aren’t ready. It’s led couples to go into debt on garish weddings when they wanted to elope. It’s led people to stay in jobs that are cutting the life out of them. Doing what most people do has stripped many people of their humanness.”

Don’t get sold on the cookie cutter solution. Patiently and kindly listen to yourself. Be bold to find your own path.

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