March 8, 2020. Our gym closed. It became apparent that personal training would never be the same.

As a strength coach, I had two challenges:

1. Continue supporting clients who couldn’t come to the gym until things reopen
2. Make online training simple and productive for clients in case the pandemic is here for a long haul

I’ve become a strength coach to educate and inspire women how to be healthy and strong.

It took a few months to develop a new system of training, but honestly—I think quarantine has been a good thing for my clients and the business. It made both the
coach and the trainee look deeper at the progress we were making, past the two hours a week at the gym together. Being the nerdy Duke Engineer I am, I’ve started teaching clients how to analyze their own health data.


Every single potential client has to talk on the phone with me before joining. I make sure our TotalBodyLab team can provide the services they’re looking for, and they ask questions and make sure I’m a good fit as a coach.
Then they download the TotalBodyLab coaching app using a custom link and the assessment starts. I take a few days to collect as much data as possible – amount of sleep, water intake, daily calorie and macronutrient breakdown, time spent on vigorous weightlifting and cardio, stress. Then the team and I analyze how what a client does affects their long-term wellbeing and quality of life. What can wedo to optimize their health andperformance in the shortest periodof time?

We design a cohesive plan including nutrition, workouts,reminders, weigh-ins and education to meet each individual client where they’re at. Each client does the plan on their own time, sending us questions and videos to check form. We call them every week to check in on how things are going, and make adjustments as needed. Some of my favorite features of the TotalBodyLab app are behavioral correction and group support. Doing what coaches tell you is nice, but what happens when you sail off into a solo fitness journey? My job is to make sure you have the tools to keep up the healthy habits, and a supportive community keeping you on track.
When I started to train, most of my female clients just wanted to lose a couple lbs. Now, most got so inspired by each other, they’re learning handstands, pull ups, pistol squats and other superwoman skills, which is AMAZING TO WATCH! This is what I’m in this business for!

You read that right. Online coaching doesn’t just allow me to take in more clients all over the world – but it has also allowed me to deliver a much higher quality of service.

Honestly, I think this is the future of personal training. If clients have questions about form – we can have a video call, or they can record themselves. This is how my coach and I work: Alexei is in Russia, and so is my father (my very first coach!) – we exchange videos and other useful data. It works, and saves time for the both of us! It’s so gratifying to see improvement over time: a year or two ago, I could hardly deadlift 225 lbs, and now I’m moving to 405 lbs (USPA North Carolina record for my weight is 396 lbs).

At a time like this, you can’t afford to give up on yourself. If you’re overweight, or don’t exercise regularly – your immune system’s already in a precarious position. No matter what goes on in the world, take care of you!
If you’re not sure where to start with your fitness journey —jot me a note on my Instagram @gorbachevae, and I’ll be glad to help or direct you to the right resources.


Check out my article on 48-49 p.

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